
What’s the Deal with Sodastream?

August 23, 2023

In a world where tastes and preferences change at a rapid pace, it’s astonishing how a long-standing beverage like soda, often known as pop, has witnessed a decline in popularity in North America. What’s even more surprising is what has replaced it: sparkling water. Sodastream is the new vehicle driving interest back in soda pop, so let’s take a look at what it’s all about.

The Decline of Soda

It’s undeniable that soda sales in North America have been waning. By 2019, the U.S recorded a 30-year low in soda sales. The health risks associated with high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors have painted soda in a negative light. Even though these concerns have been around for a while, it was only recently that a significant shift in consumer habits started to emerge.

The Sparkling Surge

Sparkling water isn’t a new invention by any stretch. Tracing back to the 17th century, it has always been a staple in European households. Brands like Perrier and San Pellegrino were once the go-to choices for high-end events. But with the decline of soda, brands such as LaCroix and Bubbly have taken the American market by storm.

The ‘LaCroix craze’ was a phenomenon in itself. Despite being around since 1981, its sudden surge in popularity around 2016 was unprecedented. It became such a popular replacement that many joked about the health implications of replacing soda with LaCroix.

To capitalize on this trend, major players like Coca-Cola launched their sparkling water lines. This booming popularity also paved the way for alcoholic seltzers, like White Claw, to make their mark.

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Image Source: Sodastream

Enter Sodastream

Amidst this bubble rise, Sodastream’s profile also surged. The device lets users create their sparkling water by pumping carbon dioxide into tap water. Even though the company has roots dating back to 1903, its popularity in North America is relatively recent.

Sodastream’s mission, as professed by its CEO Daniel Birnbaum in 2012, is to combat the unnecessary consumption of single-use bottles and cans. While data on their success rate is sketchy, the brand claims that their reusable bottle can replace up to 3,070 single-use plastic bottles.

However, in a somewhat ironic twist, Pepsico acquired Sodastream in 2019. This acquisition brings forth the question: Can a brand truly fight against single-use plastics and cans when owned by one of the largest bottled beverage producers in the world?

Is Sodastream Worth It?

From a consumer standpoint, the value proposition of Sodastream is attractive. For those consuming several cans of sparkling water daily, the device promises significant savings and environmental benefits.

On the other hand, for the occasional consumer, it might just end up being another gadget collecting dust in the kitchen, much like the forgotten Instant Pots from years ago.

What About the Environment?

Recycling isn’t a flawless solution. Most consumers are unaware that aluminum cans contain a protective plastic lining. This lining is essential to prevent the corrosive effect of the soda on the aluminum. Though this plastic gets removed during the recycling process, recycling’s inefficiency makes a strong case for alternatives like Sodastream.

But can Sodastream genuinely provide an environmentally-friendly solution? Especially when large corporations like Pepsico, which have a substantial carbon footprint, are behind it?

Image Source: Sodastream

In Conclusion

As with most trends, it’s hard to predict whether Sodastream will become a mainstay in households or another fad. While it certainly offers an alternative to single-use plastics and cans, its impact on the planet and its association with Pepsico may influence consumers’ perception.

Regardless of the outcome, the story of sparkling water and Sodastream’s rise serves as a testament to the ever-evolving beverage industry and the ever-conscious consumer.

Let us know your thoughts. Will you be making the switch to Sodastream? Or are there other environmental considerations you’re contemplating? Share your views in the comments!